Cone crushers for large crushing have less imbalance of rotating masses and smaller with time than the jaw crusher. So start cone crusher is quietly when turning on the drive motor. These crushers can sometimes be put in the presence of crushed material in the workplace. So cleaning of working space cone crushers for large crushing (for example, when the necessity of dismantling the crusher to view or change the armor cones) can be made simple recrushing breed after the termination of the supply of fresh material. Manual disassembly Zavala breed may be required only in case of getting into the crusher particularly large piece of rock, which will override the boot window, or in the formation of the vault in the bunker over the crusher. This work is performed with the use of the same devices that and the jaw crushers.
All the produced so far cone crushers for large crushing have side unloading of the crushed product on the inclined tray. At crushing the wet clay rocks happens very often build-up of the details on the surface of the tray that holds unloading and causes the accumulation of the material being crushed in the cavity above the tray, right down to the bottom of the reservation splitting up cone. This may lead to the pressing of the material in the annular gap between the Central glass frame and the bottom of splitting up cone. As a result of the o-ring rises and opens free access dust to crusher surfaces.
Such material accumulation can take place not only with the splitting of wet or clayey ores, lingering on tilt tray, but also in case of insufficient performance of the carrier or with a high concentration of small things in the source material, fails large portions through the discharging opening. Therefore, the driver must ensure that all the material without delay unloaded on the inclined tray on the conveyor belt. Otherwise no, even the most reliable seal is not to ensure protection of the rubbing parts of crushers from penetration to him of dust, dirt and bits of crushed material. And this leads to a bully and wear of friction parts and to the emergency exit of the crusher of the system.
Wear armor crushing cones less impact on the fineness of the crushed product than the wear of linings of jaw crusher. Therefore, cone crushers, as a rule, do not have devices for the regulation of the crusher. In a very small range of such an adjustment may be made at the expense of навертывания nuts on the upper end of the shaft splitting up cone (in the suspension of a cone).
It should be noted that a large worn babbit fill eccentric performance cone crusher is significantly reduced. This is explained by the fact that, when worn fill decreases eccentricity, and, consequently, the scope of oscillation of splitting up cone. So worn eccentric it is necessary to replace a new or perezalivat.